Professional Organizations
American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT)
Provides referrals throughout the country to Certified Sex Therapists and Certified Supervisors who are also licensed mental health professionals. Also certifies sex educators. Holds annual conventions; publishes an informative bimonthly online newsletter, Contemporary Sexuality.
The AMA provides resources for contraception information and many web links, as well as articles and abstracts by leading women’s health authorities.
American Psychological Association
The national professional organization for psychologists, providing a wealth of information about psychological topics, professional training and education programs. Its annual convention draws
more than 15,000 attendees. The website is filled with excellent information about psychological insights, resources and links for both the general public and professionals in psychology.
American Social Health Association (ASHA)
A nonprofit organization dedicated to the prevention of sexually transmitted infections and their consequences. ASHA has a mission “to stop sexually transmitted diseases and their harmful consequences
to individuals, families, and communities.” Its excellent website includes links to counseling referrals, herpes testing and much more.
Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
An excellent resource that includes an easy-to-use A-Z listing of hotlines addressing specific STIs such as genital herpes, hepatitis, and more..
The Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction, affiliated with Indiana University, is a leader in interdisciplinary research on human sexuality, houses a world-renowned library, and offers a minor in sexuality for those enrolled in a PhD cognate program.
National Vulvodynia Association
A non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of women with vulvodynia, a spectrum of chronic vulvar pain disorders.
A grassroots network that challenges the medical community’s simplistic approach to resolving complex female sexual concerns, with particular criticism directed at the pharmaceutical industry.
North American Menopause Society
The North American Menopause Society promotes women’s health during perimenopause, menopause and beyond.
Planned Parenthood Federation of America
Provides low-cost reproductive health care, family planning services and sex education, including contraception, sterilization, infertility and abortion services. The website provides information
and referrals to local centers throughout the United States. It offers many links to other websites as well.
Sex Information and Education Council of the United States
A national, nonprofit organization dedicated to the promotion of comprehensive sex education and an advocate for responsible sexual choices. The SIECUS website provides access to a library of
resources on a wide range of sexual topics, including sex education, contraception, sexual abuse, and assault. It is especially strong in sex education materials.
The Society for Sex Therapy and Research (SSTAR)
A national organization whose multi-disciplinary members have clinical or research interests in human sexual concerns and hold annual conferences to facilitate communication between those involved in research and those serving as primary providers of patient care.
The Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS or “Quad S”)
A multidisciplinary organization of psychologists, physicians, anthropologists, biologists, sociologists and others. Holds annual conventions and publishes The Journal of Sex Research. Visit the website for information about professional conferences and activities. Members receive discounts on a variety of professional journals related to sexuality.
World Association for Sexual Health (WAS)
A world organization with strong ties to the World Health Organization (WHO) and other major sexology organizations. Publishes newsletter and holds an international conference every two years. Attendance is a great way to network internationally and travel to many continents.
Adolescent and Young Adult Sexuality
An award-winning site produced by Columbia University; provides sex information in question and answer format.
Run by a non-profit organization, the Coalition for Positive Sexuality. A great site that provides an index to links of sexuality resources. A down-to-earth link, “Just Say Yes,” helps teens say yes to what they want, and no to what they don’t want. This site is explicit, so beware.
Provides an online magazine for teens that is supported by Planned Parenthood.
Provides same-sex couples with articles and international resources on legal marriage, ceremonies, domestic partner benefits, relationship tips, parenting and immigration.
The International Foundation for Gender Education offers information, guidance, and referrals to transgender individuals. It also conducts and reports on research on crossdressing, transsexualism and
Parents, Friends, Families of Lesbian and Gays is a national organization dedicated to helping family and friends understand and accept a homosexual loved one through support, education and advocacy.
QueerNet provides dozens of resources for the gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender and leather/S&M communities. This non-profit organization provides free services.
Offers a progressive dating option to heterosexuals, gays and lesbians who are passionate about social justice, the environment, race and gender equity, and personal growth.
A dating site that appeals to younger singles.
The most well known of the online dating services.
Created by Dr. Neil Clark Warren, a licensed psychologist and former Dean at Fuller Theological Seminary of Pasadena, CA. His approach eschews photos and tends to draw those seeking a partner highly committed to a Christian perspective.
Uses a matching approach similar to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and its Jungian theoretical perspective.
Plenty of Fish (POF) is another site with strong appeal to younger singles.
Safe Sex/Contraception
Offers safer sex supplies, including modestly-priced samplers of condoms and a wide variety of other items, from novelty gifts to massage oils and books.
It’s worth repeating; see also under Organizations.
Sexual Abuse/Assault
Focused on the motto of “prevention through healing” for survivors of child sexual abuse. A part of San Francisco’s Norma Morris Center.
Jim Hopper, PhD, a Research fellow at Harvard University and McClean Hospital, provides information, statistics, and links on abuse and prevention of child sexual abuse. Also links to a variety of other helpful sites.
Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network is the largest anti-sexual assault organization; provides a national hotline, 1-800-656-HOPE.
Sexual Awareness through Enrichment/Erotica/Therapy
The American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists offers “gold standard” certification of licensed therapists specializing in sex therapy; see also under Organizations.
Betty Dodson is a well-known sexologist and gifted painter whose website is devoted to erotic sex education, the promotion of sexual freedom, and liberating masturbation.
This site will take you to the first unabridged modern translation of the classic Kama Sutra by Vatsyayana as well as the classic ThePerfumed Garden by Nefzaoui. It’s an online library with an extensive list of time-honored offerings that have influenced generations.
The founding editor of this online magazine of erotic fiction and poetry is a woman in academia with a PhD in literature.
The electronic journal of human sexuality, published by the Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality, offers leading edge articles written by professionals on a wide variety of sexual topics.
Promotes an alternative view of female sexual difficulties, challenges the drug industry, and calls for further research on women’s sexual difficulties. Sponsored by a group of leading sexuality experts.
For the mature shopper, check out for books, videos, DVDs, and CDs. A number of the videos feature professional “talking head” voice-overs.
Rational Recovery is an alternative to a 12-step recovery approach to alcohol/substance abuse and sexual compulsion. Or contact Eli Coleman, PhD ( of the University of Minnesota’s Human Sexuality program about the University of Minnesota’s comprehensive human sexuality program, which has added a sexual compulsivity training option.
Features my book, Simple Sexy Food and gives couples new and better ways to enjoy two of life’s most cherished necessities: food and sex. By better understanding the ancient relationships between
eating and loving, couples can reignite their passion for both. Includes extensive A-Z listing of aphrodisiac foods, recipes, survey data, and sexy nutrients.
Dedicated to books, DVDs, CDs, other products and workshops related to tantric sex and Kama sutra practices.
Sexual Health
Select “Health Topics” and then go to the “Sexual Health” section for their Health Education Online Library.
Once at the National Institutes of Health of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services site, type in “sexuality” for articles on the effects of various diseases and surgeries on sexuality.
A reputable site of sexual health information provided by the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
Sexuality Boutiques
An online company offering a wide range of adult products for order.
Offers the world’s largest sex education series, including 100s of DVDs, books, and gift sets. The gift sets include instructional erotic programs for lovers seeking exceptional sex. One of the DVDs features my book, Simple Sexy Food: 101 Tasty Recipes to Stir your Libido and Feed Your Love. An e-book version of my book is also available as Sexy Recipes for Lovers.
A “garden of earthly delights.” The first of its kind to be created by women and for women, and best of all, with a sex-positive, non-sexist approach. Offers a wide array of sex toys, accessories, books and videos.
Website started by feminist Candida Royalle (dec.). Most of the films run about seventy minutes and emphasize female sensibilities. There are two versions of the tapes, both an explicit and a non-explicit version.
Well known as a sex-positive, knowledgeable source for sex toys, books and more.
A contemporary museum in NYC that displays ongoing and rotating exhibits on its top two floors; the ground level contains a wide selection of condoms, dildos, vibrators, and books.
Located in Los Angeles, Chicago, and NYC; stores sell a wide range of erotica for women, men and couples. Both are owner-operated and attentive to customers.
Sexy lingerie and stockings, including retro and seamed. Lots of plus sizes.
Lingerie, sexy costumes and more, for both men and women. Includes a plus-size section. A good bet for those interested in roleplaying; making a purchase or just looking for inspiration!
Offers a variety of adult gifts and toys including lingerie for all sizes. Numerous locations throughout the Southern California and Seattle, WA, areas
Another of the well-established, women-friendly resources first started in Seattle. Offers a wide selection of toys, videos and more, both online and in its brick-and-mortar stores.