Determining Infertility

As you know, with age comes many great things for women: confidence, wisdom, experience, compassion, beauty. However, it becomes harder to conceive and bear children as women approach their 40s and beyond.

Statistics reveals that men and women are about equally likely to be the source of infertility problems, and one in six couples today is faced with the increasing problem of infertility. Often, both partners contribute to the problem, but it’s not officially defined as “failure to conceive” until one year has passed without any results.

In very unusual cases, the inability to conceive after an extended period of attempts can actually mean that the female partner is allergic to her partner’s sperm, but not to another man’s.  Don’t worry – ways to circumvent that particular difficulty do not require bringing another man into her bed.

It’s a humbling irony to spend your early years feverishly trying to avoid pregnancy only to be faced later on with the reverse problem.  Please, don’t go into denial about this if you and your partner are seriously interested in having a family. Instead, ask your family physician for a referral now to see a fertility specialist – their tests will help determine if there is a physical problem preventing baby from making its way into the world.  This may be scary, but book that  appointment and go as a couple.
